ICAN launches Gendered Devolution Video in French

We are happy to announce the launch of our French language version of the third thematic animation in our Better Peace Initiative (BPI) series, Gendered Devolution: Why It matters, how to do it!

ICAN launches Gendered Devolution Video in Arabic

Our latest thematic animation, Gendered Devolution: Why It matters, how to do it is now available in Arabic!
.أطلقت آيكان فيديو “اللامركزية ونقل السلطة من منظور جندري: لماذا وكيف” باللغة العربية

Gendered Devolution – Arabic

اللامركزية ونقل السلطة من منظور جندري: لماذا وكيف
ما أهمية المنظور الجندري والشمولية فى عمليات نقل السلطة وكيف يمكن أن يتم ذلك بطرق عملية

ICAN launches 3rd thematic animation: Gendered Devolution

We are excited to launch our third thematic animation in the Better Peace Initiative series! “Gendered Devolution: Why it matters, how to do it” explores why gender sensitivity and inclusivity in devolution processes matters and how it can be done